Editorial Guidelines

Guidelines for writing an effective press release.

Guidelines for Press release.

A fastidious, air-tight format has to be followed when it comes to press release. The writer of the press release has to keep in mind that if “accuracy” of format is not maintained, the press release will not be accepted by a large number of people to whom it will be sent.

Another factor that has to be dealt with is the appropriateness of grammar and vocabulary. The terms used in the press release should echo the dialect used in exactly that field. Basically, the writer should not overestimate the willingness of the newspapers or the magazines to publish their press release.

As for the other practicalities, it is upon the business to decide when it wants the press release to be sent and how long does it want press release to be, the costs may vary according to the length of the press release.

Now we need to deal with the necessary element, the element which becomes indispensable for any company dealing with information and public sphere. A press release regarding a legal case can be distributed provided a proof of its settlement is given. Another important thing that must be kept in mind is that if any information regarding a person, a website or a company is given in the press release, the business must have a written letter or email from that person, company or website stating that it was authorised by them.

As mentioned previously, a press release must follow a definite format, this format includes a headline, a sub heading, the city from where one is writing, the body and the closing details. There might rise an occasion where the press release can be rejected by a number of websites and magazines as a result of callousness with the format.

Moreover, all the links in a given press release should be working, the HTML tags cannot be used but most importantly, contact information should be provided along with the press release.

Lastly, even though, changes can be made by contacting us, the press release that has been sent cannot and will not be retracted. Also, even though we try our best to see to it that press release is published in good magazines, websites and blogs, a lot depends on the quality of the press release. Therefore, refunds will not take place if the press release is rejected on either legal or literal grounds.

Please know that we try our best when it comes to distribution of the press release, we understand how essential press release can be, however, if the format and the vocabulary do not add up to the overall impact expected from a professional and formal press release, there is a chance that it might not be accepted. Therefore it is advisable for businesses to maintain the above mentioned guidelines while formulating a press release.